JEE Advanced Exam 2020
JEE Advanced Exam 2020 (IIT DELHI): Tomorrow around 1,60,831 candidates will appear for the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) Advanced. The exam is going to be conducted in two shifts i.e. morning (9am to 12pm), and afternoon (2:30- 5:30 pm). The candidates who will appear within the exams got to follow certain COVID-19 restrictions during exams - face masks, hand sanitisers in transparent bottles, without these items the candidates won't be allowed inside the exam centers.
JEE Advanced 2020: Follow these COVID-19 guidelines
- Candidates should wear their own mask and are advised to hold their own bottle of sanitiser also as their own transparent bottle of water
- Students got to maintain an area of a minimum of six feet from one another in the least times. Queue manager / ropes and floor marks are going to be arranged outside the test centre. Candidates are to follow the instructions provided by test centre staff
- The lab/ hall/ room number won't be displayed outside the test centre, instead, this detail are going to be informed to the candidates when the Universal Product Code on the admit card is scanned
- The candidates required to sanitize their hands before entry into the centre. The candidate also got to undertake the COVID-19 self declaration.