World Hypertension Day 2022: Best Yoga Assan to Prevent Hypertension
The World Hypertension League (WHL), which is an umbrella organization for organizations comprising 85 national hypertension societies and leagues, has recognized and inaugurated World Hypertension Day (WHD). The purpose of the day was to raise hypertension awareness.
This was crucial since hypertension individuals lacked the necessary knowledge. On May 14, 2005, the WHL released the inaugural WHD. Every year on May 17th, the WHL has designated World Hypertension Day.
When is World Hypertension Day and What is the Objective of World Hypertension
The 17th of May is designated as World Hypertension Day. The World Hypertension League declared and launched the day in order to raise awareness about hypertension and its consequences. On May 14, 2005, the first Hypertension Day was celebrated. Every year on May 17th since 2006, it has been observed.
The major goal of celebrating World Hypertension Day is to raise awareness of hypertension. Even in resource-rich and developed countries with high-quality healthcare systems, the degree of awareness of blood pressures has been shown to be quite low. The goal of the day is to raise awareness of the catastrophic medical consequences that hypertension can entail. Furthermore, the goal is to provide accurate and practical information about hypertension prevention, detection, and treatment.
The 17th of May is designated as World Hypertension Day. The World Hypertension League declared and launched the day in order to raise awareness about hypertension and its consequences. On May 14, 2005, the first Hypertension Day was celebrated. Every year on May 17th since 2006, it has been observed.
The major goal of celebrating World Hypertension Day is to raise awareness of hypertension. Even in resource-rich and developed countries with high-quality healthcare systems, the degree of awareness of blood pressures has been shown to be quite low. The goal of the day is to raise awareness of the catastrophic medical consequences that hypertension can entail. Furthermore, the goal is to provide accurate and practical information about hypertension prevention, detection, and treatment.
What is Hypertension?
Hypertension, often known as high blood pressure, is a condition in which blood flow is
pushed too hard against the artery walls. The condition has the potential to cause serious
health issues. It raises the risk of life-threatening illnesses such as heart disease and stroke.
Hypertension can be fatal if not treated promptly.
Hypertension is defined as a blood pressure reading of more than 140/90. Severe hypertension is diagnosed when blood pressure reaches 180/120. Hypertension usually has no symptoms. Hypertension, on the other hand, is one of the major causes of cardiovascular mortality worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. Hypertension is known as a silent killer since it kills without warning.
Hypertension is defined as a blood pressure reading of more than 140/90. Severe hypertension is diagnosed when blood pressure reaches 180/120. Hypertension usually has no symptoms. Hypertension, on the other hand, is one of the major causes of cardiovascular mortality worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. Hypertension is known as a silent killer since it kills without warning.
What is the World Hypertension League, and How Does it Work?
The parent organization for World Hypertension Day is the World Hypertension League, which is made up of 85 hypertension organizations and societies from all over the world.
The organization established World Hypertension Day after realizing that more than half of the population is unaware that they have high blood pressure. World Hypertension Day was created to raise awareness about the ailment.
The parent organization for World Hypertension Day is the World Hypertension League, which is made up of 85 hypertension organizations and societies from all over the world.
The organization established World Hypertension Day after realizing that more than half of the population is unaware that they have high blood pressure. World Hypertension Day was created to raise awareness about the ailment.
Themes of World Hypertension Day:
- World Hypertension Day 2022 Theme:Not Declared Yet
- World Hypertension Day 2020 to 2021 Theme:” Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control it, Live Longer”
- World Hypertension Day 2013 to 2018 Theme:"Know Your Numbers"
- World Hypertension Day 2008 Theme:"Measure Your Blood Home".
- World Hypertension Day 2007 Theme:"Healthy Diet, Healthy Blood Pressure".
- World Hypertension Day 2006 Theme:“Treat to Goal”
- World Hypertension Day 2005 Theme:"Awareness of High Blood Pressure”
How to Prevent Hypertension:
The World Hypertension League and other hypertension-awareness groups frequently share hypertension-prevention material. Medication can help control the illness, but the best option is always prevention. By adopting some healthy living habits, we may all avoid the illness. –
The World Hypertension League and other hypertension-awareness groups frequently share hypertension-prevention material. Medication can help control the illness, but the best option is always prevention. By adopting some healthy living habits, we may all avoid the illness. –
- Always Eat Healthy Food: In your everyday diet, reduce your salt intake and increase your potassium intake. Fatty foods should be avoided as much as possible, while fruits, vegetables, and whole grains should be consumed in greater quantities.
- Exercise Daily: The key to preventing hypertension is to live an active lifestyle and maintain a healthy weight. Obesity raises the risk of hypertension.
- Stop or Consume Less Alcohol: One of the negative effects of excessive alcohol use is an increase in blood pressure.
- Avoid Smoking: Smoking raises your risk of heart disease and stroke.
- Lower the Stress Level: One of the primary causes of high blood pressure is mental stress. In addition to physical health, it is critical to manage stress and improve mental health.
Yoga Poses/ Assan to Lower Blood Pressure (Hypertension):
Best Yoga Assan for Hypertension:
Hypertension, often known as high blood pressure, is a disorder in which arterial blood pressure rises to dangerous levels. to help you deal It's critical to lower your blood pressure if you have it.
You must decrease weight, manage stress, and so on in addition to limiting salt intake. Yoga can help reduce hypertension caused by stress and weight naturally. Here is a list of hypertension yoga asanas that you can do on a daily basis to lower your blood pressure.
Hypertension, often known as high blood pressure, is a disorder in which arterial blood pressure rises to dangerous levels. to help you deal It's critical to lower your blood pressure if you have it.
You must decrease weight, manage stress, and so on in addition to limiting salt intake. Yoga can help reduce hypertension caused by stress and weight naturally. Here is a list of hypertension yoga asanas that you can do on a daily basis to lower your blood pressure.
- Savasana (Corpse Pose):
You must lie on your back with your legs straight and arms relaxed at your sides to perform this yoga. Simply let go of your physical limitations. Close your eyes lightly while keeping your legs apart in a natural stance and your arms straight but apart from your torso. Face the heavens with your palms up. After then, slowly inhale and exhale.
The goal is to maintain a neutral position for the body. This is one of the simplest relaxation yoga poses. Savasana aids in the reduction of headaches, weariness, and insomnia by calming the mind, relieving tension, and relaxing the body. These are all risk factors for high blood pressure, and Savasana helps to reduce blood pressure by controlling these risk factors. - Viparita Karani (Legs Up the wall Pose):
This position requires the use of a wall for support, so find an appropriate location to practice it. Sit with one leg against the wall and the other extended in front of you. Now lie down with your soles facing up against the wall. Your body and legs will be at a 90-degree angle. Walk up the wall with your ankle so that your hips are off the floor. In this position, hold for several minutes. Then return to your original location.
This is a soothing stance that does not require much movement. Without any twisting, you can just lie flat on the ground with your legs raised. Viparita Karani promotes lymphatic drainage and balances blood pressure in the lower and upper extremities. It also improves blood circulation and relieves back and hip tension. This asana cleanses our blood and assists in the management of high blood pressure. - Child Pose (Shishuasana):
Kneel on your knees on the mat, with your back straight and your knees separated approximately as wide as your hips, six to twelve inches apart, for child pose, also known as Shishuasana. Lower your chest and head to the mat. You can also put a pillow between your thighs and calves, and another between your head and the back of your head. Slid your hands back toward your feet, palms facing up, with your arms alongside your legs, as you go forward.
This asana can relieve stress, which is a leading cause of hypertension. This asana promotes tranquility and relieves stress in the neck and shoulders by using controlled breathing. This is one of the most effective yoga poses for hypertension.
World Hypertension Day World Hypertension League World Health Organization Awareness of High Blood Pressure Healthy Diet Savasana Viparita Karani Shishuasana