13 Health Benefits of Cherry and Nutritional Facts of Cherry

About the Cherry:

Cherry is the most common fruit used in cakes, ice creams, tarts and muffins. Cherry is a fruit that is a fleshy drupe. Cherry is cultivated in Turkey, Kerasous, Europe, Western Asia etc. Cherry takes 3 to 4 years to yield the first crop after the plantation and it takes around 7 years for the full maturity. The growing season of cherries is very short, cherries start to blossom in April and in the summer, it attains the peak season for harvesting. This season and timing are different for the different regions. The Cherries are rich in Vitamin C and Beta-Carotene. There are mainly three types of cherries –

  • True Cherries: Species that contains Prunus subg. Cerasus is commonly known as true cherries. These types of cherries have only a single bud per axil in winter. True cherries examples are – Prunus Avium (Sweet Cherry), Prunus Cerasus (Sour Cherry), Prunus apetala (Clove Cherry), Prunus Pensylvanica (Wild Red Cherry), Prunus Rufa (Himalayan Cherry) etc.
  • Bush Cherries:  These kinds of cherries have three winter buds per axil. Such as Prunus Cistena (Purple Leaf Sand Cherry), Prunus Japonica (Korean Cherry), Prunus Pumila (Sand Cherry) etc.
  • Bird Cherries or Racemose Cherry: Prunus Africana (African Cherry), Prunus Cornuta (Himalayan Bird Cherry), Prunus Laurocerasus (Cherry Laurel) etc.

6 Immunity Booster Monsoon Fruits

Nutrition Facts of Cherry:

Cherry Fruit

Cherry in its raw form contains 82% water, 16% carbohydrates and 1% protein. Every 100-gm serving of Cherry serves the following nutrients –

Types                          Sour, Red & Raw     Sweet, Red & Raw
Energy                    209 kJ         263 kJ
Carbohydrates      12.2 gm 16 gm
Dietary Fibers                   1.6 gm 2.1 gm
Protein –                                     1 gm 1.1 gm
Fat                                               0.3 gm 0.2 gm
Vitamins: Vitamin C              10 mg 7 mg
Choline                            6.1 mg  6.1 mg
Minerals: Calcium                16 mg 13 mg
Iron                                            0.32 mg 0.36 gm
Magnesium                                9 mg 11 mg
Phosphorus                                 15 mg 21 mg
Potassium                                     173 mg 222 mg

*Above mentioned data is taken from the USDA datasheet.

12 Health Benefits of Pomegranate

13 Health Benefits of Cherry:

  1. Cherry helps in Good Sleep: In today’s world, bad sleep is a normal thing most people are facing this issue. Mainly lack of sleep is caused due to the imbalance of hormones, stress or unhealthy habits. Cherry can fix this issue up to some extent as tart cherries have melatonin a hormone that provides peaceful sleep. 2 tbsp of Tart cherry before the bed will do the work.
  2. Cherry Helps in Weight Loss: The main constituent of the cherry is water that is 82% and there is very little fat in it so if you eat cherry then it will help you to lose some weight.
  3. Cherry for Digestion: Cheery contains thiamin, riboflavin a Vitamin B6 which helps to achieve good metabolism. The high water content of the cherry facilitates the energy level and increase the speed of the metabolism.
  4. Cherry help to relieved Arthritis Pain: Cherries lower the levels of uric acid; this ultimately helps in relieving the arthritis pain.
  5. Cherry Possess Anti-Cancer properties: Cherry have a good amount of Vitamin C, Flavonoids, and Antioxidants which helps the white blood cells to fight the free radicals in the body. Quecetin is also found in the Cherry which is a most potent anticancer agent.
  6. Cheery is Good for Heart Health: Cherries help to reduce high blood cholesterol and blood pressure. If cherry is introduced in the daily diet, then heart disease risk can be controlled by reducing cholesterol and reducing inflammation.
  7. Cherry helps to Reduce Blood Pressure: Cherries are a rich source of Potassium. Potassium helps to reduce blood pressure by eliminating the excess amount of Sodium. Cherry maintains the balance of Sodium and Potassium.
  8. Cheery help to relieve the Migraines: Cherry contains anthocyanins and bioflavonoids which helps to relieve headaches and migraines by decreasing the inflammation in the body.
  9. Cherry works as a Sex Booster: Cherry contains Vitamin A and Vitamin C which helps to boosts libido in men and women. Vitamin A present in the cherry helps to improve testosterone and estrogen. Vitamin C present in cherry helps to improve the sex appetite and improves the semen volume in men.
  10. Cheery help to treat Anemia: Cherry is rich in iron content so regular consumption of cherry can help to treat anaemia.
  11. Cheery is good for Skin: Cherry contains Vitamin A and it has antibacterial properties which help to remove the toxins from the blood and also removes the bacteria from the skin.
  12. Cherry works as Anti-Ageing: Cherry contains a good amount of Vitamin C and other antioxidants. These antioxidants fight the free radicals in the body and help to prevent fine lines, wrinkles and spots.
  13. Cherry gives Healthy Hair: Cherries contains anthocyanins and beta-carotene which are essential for hair growth. Extracts of the cherry are used in various hair products.

Cherry Dishes:

  • Sweet Cherry can be taken in the raw form directly without any addition.
  • Fruit cocktails can be prepared from cherry with peach, pineapple, pear and grape.
  • Fruit Salad can be prepared from the cherry with peach, pear, apricot and pineapple.
  • Dry cherries can be used in fruit cakes, bread, muffins and cookies.

Other Cherry Dishes are as follows –

Spiced cherry chutney, Cherry jam, Cherry Pie, Cherry Barbecue Sauce, Michigan Cherry Pie, Northwest Cherry Salas, Chicken with Cherry Wine Sauce, Chocolate-Cherry Ice Cream Cake, Almond Tea Bread,

*Disclaimer – This blog provides the information only; it doesn’t claim that the above-mentioned fruit can cure any diseases or can be the replacement of any medicine. For the illness kindly consult a doctor.


13 Health Benefits of Cherry   Nutritional Fact of Cherry   About the Cherry   Cherry   Health Benefits of Cherry   True Cherries   Bush Cherries   Bird Cherries   Racemose Cherry   Nutrition Facts of Cherry   Sour cherry   Red & Raw Cherry   Sweet cherry   Cherry Dishes  



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