पुष्कर मेला - विश्व का ...
Introduction राजस्थान के अजमेर जिले के पुष्कर में प्रतिवर्ष एक बहु-दिवसीय पशुधन मेले और सांस्कृतिक उत्सव का आ...
Introduction राजस्थान के अजमेर जिले के पुष्कर में प्रतिवर्ष एक बहु-दिवसीय पशुधन मेले और सांस्कृतिक उत्सव का आ...
Table of Content: When will be International Youth Day? Youth: Who Are They? What is International Youth Day and Its Significance? International Youth Day: History Themes of International Youth Day State of Youth in The World SDG 4 and Youth: Quality E...
What is Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav? The Indian government has started a "nectar festival of Independence" as we are all working for a progressive India and will soon mark our country's 75th year of independence. The goals of excellent government, development...
When is World Hepatitis Day? World Hepatitis Day is annually celebrated on July 28. World Hepatitis Day: The goal of World Hepatitis Day, which is commemorated on July 28 every year, is to promote the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of hepatitis, A g...
What is World Earth Day and Why do We Celebrate World Earth Day? On April 22, the United Nations observes World Earth Day to show support for environmental protection. It began on April 22, 1970, and has since grown to include a diverse variety of events organized wor...
The International Day for Monuments and Sites, often known as World Heritage Day, is a worldwide commemoration. Participating in round table debates and conferences, as well as organizing cultural programs, are all part of the commemoration. Every year, a new subject is chosen...
What is the Significance of National Safe Motherhood Day Our mothers are the only reason we were able to see the light of day and grow up to be strong people. Their numerous sacrifices, dedication, hard work, and blessings enable us to progress in life. Motherhoo...
Electric Cars in India Automobiles propelled by electric motors, which use only energy stored in batteries, are called electric cars, battery-electric cars, or all-electric cars. In comparison with internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, electric cars are quieter...